Our T5 welded tube with ALTA H8 finishing is a single tube with a resilience of =>27J (at -20 °C) and an elongation of =\> 10% * that combine the characteristics of both the +SR and +C categories and offer all the features of ALTA internal finishing.
ALTA has developed an innovative, fully automated technology to inspect the inner surface of the tubes after finishing to ensure a controlled supply. ALTA produces more than 1 million meters of T5 (+C H8) model tubes at defect 0 each year.
Therefore, the welded and cold drawn T5 tube offers higher performance than indicated by the standard, having a straightness of 0.5 and a concentricity of 3%.
With its raw materials being of mineral origin and not from scrap, the T5 tube is also free of impurities.
Its surface is treated with a patented method that makes it easy to paint, avoiding all the tube preparation processes required for our competitors’ tubes.
Automatic internal surface control, extreme straightness and concentricity enable users of the T5 tube to proceed immediately in the machining and construction of the cylinder, avoiding the need for steady band machining.
The T5 is therefore a great leap forward in cylinder tube quality: a quality that can bring all its users major economic and competitive advantages.
ALTA provides a material certificate for each batch produced, attesting to its mechanical characteristics in line with the +SR category by including the tubes’ resilience values.
STANDARD | EN 10305-2 |
DIMENSIONAL RANGE | From OD 50 mm to OD 115 mm | thickness from 4 mm to 7.5 mm Available from stock metric and imperial sizes |
LENGTH | Up to 12 m. (fixed lengths or custom cuts on request) |
CHARACTERISTICS | +C Impact Test >27J -20°C Elongation =\>10% ALTA finishing |
UNIQUE FEATURES | Impact Tested, Concentric 3%, Elongation 10% min. |
TEST CERTIFICATE | EN 10204:2004/3.1 |
AUTOMATIC CONTROL | 100% inner surface by inspection probe |